Team > Marija Krstic

Faculty of Languages and Literature
Fachgruppe Anglistik
Akademic CV
- April 2019 - : Lecturer, American Studies/Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, University of Bayreuth
- June 2016 - Januar 2017: Research Assistant, American Studies/Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, University of Bayreuth
- 2018 M.A., University of Bayreuth, Germany (Intercultural Anglophone Studies)
- 2013 M.A., University of Kragujevac, Serbia (English Language and Literature)
- 2011 B.A, University of Kragujevac, Serbia (English Language and Literature)
Research Interest
- Doctoral Project: “Oil Extraction Culture in the American Novel - Reading Petrofiction as Risk Fiction”
- Petroculture, Petrofiction
- African American Literature and Culture
- American Theatre and Drama

Faculty of Languages and Literature
Fachgruppe Anglistik
Research Interests
Environmental Humanities, Ecocriticism, Energy Humanities, Petrofiction, Risk Studies
Workshops and Summer Schools
"Oil Extraction Culture and Displacement in Linda Hogan's Mean Spirit" - Virtual Workshop: (Narrating) Environmental Displacement, University of Augsburg, Oct 6-8, 2021 International Online Symposium, "Challenges of Modernity: Climate, Changes,Global Perspectives," University of Würzburg, August 2-13, 2021
"Oil Extraction Culture and the American Novel: Reading Petrofiction as Risk Fiction" - International Workshop, "Archives of the Planetary Mine: Culture, Nature Extraction, and Energy Across the Americas," Nordic Institute for Latin American Studies (NILAS), University of Stockholm, November 14-15, 2022
"Oil Extraction Culture in Selected American Novels: Reading Oil Spill and Peak Oil in MeiMei Evans's Oil and Water and Kurt Cobb's Prelude." International Conference of Austrian Association for American Studies, "Versions of America: Speculative Pasts, Presents, Futures," University of Klagenfurt, October 20-22, 2023
"Reading Risky Waterscapes in MeiMei Evans's Oil and Water: Oil Spill, Risk, and Petrotoxicity" - Bamberg-Bayreuth-Würzburg Kolloquium, Februar 20, 2024
"Risk, Oil, and Narrative: Reading Petrofiction as Risk Fiction" - Study Group "Learning about Risk and Crisis": Communicating Risk: Discourse, Language, Visualisations" Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg/Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, November 11-13, 2024

Faculty of Languages and Literature
Fachgruppe Anglistik
Krstic, Marija
Environmental Violence and Oil Extraction Culture in Linda Hogan's Mean Spirit
Climate Changes Global Perspectives
Würzburg : Würzburg University Press, 2022. - page 119-126 . - (Challenges of Modernity; 1)
doi:10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-195-2 ...

Faculty of Languages and Literature
Fachgruppe Anglistik
Marija Krstic
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Universität Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30
Gebäude: GW I Raum: 1.27
95447 Bayreuth
Office Hours during the lecture free period:
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 10 - 11 am
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 10 - 11 am
Please contact me in advance via email to make the appointment.
Phone: +49 (0)921/55-3583